What prompts people to get in touch with you?
This may sound a little funny; but many of my client are like a rich fruit cake … they are full of amazing skills, knowledge, energy and passion for what they do … they are just not (for a variety of reasons) getting themselves and their business ‘out there’
Who do you work with?
Mainly but not soley with women in business who:
- have their own business
- are highly motivated and want to reach and exceed personal and professional goals
- are prepared to step up, take action and take a chance
- want to support and be a part of a supportive group of like-minded women (with group work)
- are ready to break free from the fear of change and embrace their desire for personal and professional development
And how specifically do you help?
I think I’ll let my clients answer that:
One month in it has delivered immediate results
“I discovered Claire Godwin at one of her presentation skills workshops and was immediately drawn to her warm friendly personality. She shared some brilliant ideas with us and I quickly became hooked! I joined WOBS because the programme offered me a mix of business and personal development and one month in it has delivered immediate results. With Claire’s guidance and the support of the group I have a new business name, website and am developing my products and services. Claire Godwin is a brilliant coach and mentor and I highly recommend WOBS to you” Emma Paxton, Pinboard Meetings http://pinboardmeetings.com
Claire cracks open the mystery of how successful businesses are made
“I was looking for a business mentor. Someone who I could relate to. Someone with the skills, ability and experience to help me make a success of it first time. Here I am a month into the WOBS programme – I’ve got my name, my niche and I’m developing a website and Facebook page so I can get my message out there. My confidence has increased. I’m learning about selling, marketing, product stair casing and all sorts that I just hadn’t a clue about, to be honest. I’m so grateful to have access to Claire’s mentorship and guiding. She keeps me focused and accountable. I appreciate the comradeship with the other WOBS too. If you’re ready to step up a level in your business and you’d like support to achieve that then WOBS is for you. You don’t have to struggle on on your own. Claire cracks open the mystery of how success businesses are made.” Mairi Clair, Soul Sister Coaching
If you want to be a winner in business you need to be on the next WOBS programme!
“After going round and round in circles, feeling overwhelmed at setting up a new business and frustrated at wasting time at poor quality business coaching groups I was absolutely delighted to stumble across Claire Godwin though a Facebook group. The WOBS group has provided me with the perfect combination of mentoring and coaching, with business development skills and workshops tailored to my needs. After the two sessions with Claire I have found the confidence to get out there with my message and arrange a new series of workshops for my clients. If you want to be a winner in business you need to be on the next WOBS programme!” Abi Steel, Early Years Trainer and Consultant http://www.blackberrycottageconsultancy.co.uk/
“I came out feeling more confident and believing in myself again”
“She also helped with structuring the content in such a way that the audience want to hear what you have to say”